Just like anything you invest in your hair has to to be just as equally maintenance. What do you mean by maintenance? We suggest coming back to get your hair touched up for gray coverage every three to six weeks depending on your preference. A balayage is a very low maintenance service you can come to get your hair touched up any where between two to six months depending on your preference of course. Highlights are the more high maintenance, are blondes love a very bright look so we suggest anywhere between one to two months.
Maintenance is not only coming in for a touch up but maintaining your hair at home. Home care is the the one thing your stylist can not control. It is up to the client if they want their color to last where they don’t have to come in as frequently. We have amazing products that we suggest at the salon such as hair masque that you can use weekly and toning agents such as purple or blue shampoo to maintain your overall tone.